Scroll your Roll - Scavenger Hunt Style

In the fall of 2022, our team shared a podcast with John Eick when he originally shared the idea of Scroll Your Roll. A simple activity where people share a snapshot of their lives during a staff meeting or even in the classroom.

At a recent School Culture Summit one of the schools mentioned they had used Scroll Your Roll once and then turned the rubix cube to make it a Scavenger Hunt.

In the PDF below we share more about both ways to do the activity, but it was a great reminder for teams: It is okay to use the same activity throughout the year! Staff members and even students in the classroom need time to get used to an activity and then will enjoy a simple twist like the scavenger hunt style.

Question for you: What is an activity you have tried in the past and could reuse again this year? Then how might you modify it just slightly to keep the fun or connections going?